
Stevenson Ala
April the 13 /64

Dear Charlotte

I received your letter of the 6th yesterday. It found me well. I was glad to hear you was all well. You wanted me to tell you what I think. You and your ma are copperheads or sapheads. I hope you are christians. I am not but we all have the privelage of reading the Bible that recognizes no slavery. It knows no slave holder nor slave master. It teaches freedom to the white man and freedom to the black man. Its author was prince of peace and the god of freedom. The Bible and the banner of my country and we are safe. I say freedom for the white and black and the Bible and we will then have peace. Untill then we wont. If a man goes to war he must do it from princible. The people of a land must stand by their goverment and if we study the Bible it will teach us to lay our money and our lives on the alter where eternal principles are at stake and the dearest interests of society are threatend. This is not altogether a niger war in my view. I dont calculate I am fighting for the negro alone but I want slavery done away with. It is a great curse and it has caused a great trouble and not that alone but I think they should be free. I hope you wont take to the Demecrat party as Evina has. If you do I shal write some sausy letters but I guess there is no danger. I know you wont turn traitors but that word fighting for the nigers sounds to much like the Demecrats. They say that is all we are fighting for. I did think so once but I have learned different. I think slavery originated the rebellion and I think every state should be a free state and they will be at the end of this rebellion. If it haint we will never have peace and freedom. I suppose this will last a while longer. Undoutdly there will be some more hard battles fought but it seames to me it is about played out. We are on the road yet and hope we can stay untill the war is played out. It may as well be us to guard the road as someone else. There is all sines of staying now. The men that went to recruit have got back. Corpl Hazard starts home tomorrow on a sick furlough. His furlough has ben so long getting around he is well so he will have a good visit. You spoke of your chores. I dont have eney to do. I must close for this time. The mail goes out in a fiew momets and I want to send it. My love to you. Good buy dear Charlotte.

Charles Engle

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