
Stevenson Ala
April the 4 /64

Dear Wife

I received your letter of the 26th of March Sadurday. Was sorry to hear you had such a hard cold. I stated in my last letter that I had the mumps. I was quite sick two days and knights. I had a verry hard headache and my jaws was so stif I couldent speack. I couldent eat eneything for three days but I am most well again. I had them on both sides. There is eight or nine that has had the mumps in our compeny. I wished myself home when my head ached so hard. I had to doctor myself. Edward Hayse has just started for home on a furlough. He lives in Binghamton. You hadent better send eneything by him. He would loose it. We had a hard thunder shower last knight. It lightend teriably. I dont know how much longer we will stay here. Part of our brigade has had orders to box up their overcoats and what clothing they dont nead this sumer and have them sent to Luisville so I guess we wont go to Virginia unless we march there which I think we will by way of Knoxville. I think we will have to go somewhere soone. Still we may not. I received the paper you sent me. I guess it is a verry good paper. There is a news office here. I can get all the news that is all the war news. You stated in your last that you was going to sell the old cow and buy a heifer. I guess it is best. You must get a cow that gives milk and then let John D live on cows milk then you will have a chance to recruit up a little. You must be verry thin. You weigh so light. I want to send this in to days mail and I havent time to write eney more. I will write again in a day or two. Good buy.


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