
Savannah GA
Dec 24 /64

Dear Charlotte

I once more write a fiew lines to informe you that I am well and in the great citty of Savannah. The knight of the 20th we worked building forts untill one oclock. The rebs shelled us terably till eleven oclock. We soone found out that they were gone and advanced on their fortifications. We found not a man. We then started for the citty as fast as we could go. When we got within about half a mile of the citty we met the mayor and common council under a flag of truce and surrenderd the citty to our brigade. We was the first in the citty and Atlanta to. We found the streets filled with men women children and negroes. All seamed pleasd to see us. We enterd the citty just at break of day. General Geary made a speech and the boys cheered till everything rung. We find plenty of good Union cidicens here. It is diferent than the other southern citties. The people here look and act like northern people and a great meney of them are northern people. They stop soldiers in the streets and take them in and give them a good meal of vittles. Our divition is doing duty in the citty. Everything is guarded. There will soone be large stores open here and business going on the same as in eney northern citty. We found here a large amount of cotton rice suger molases and grain. There is a number of million dollars worth of cotton. Who deserves more praise than General Sherman and his army. The place would ben taken by storm if they hadent evacuated. We was getting ready as fast as we could. We had straw all bound(?) to through in the swamps to cross on when we made the charge. That was a great thing to undertake but I think it would worked well. The rebels retreated acrost the river into South Carolina. We came verry near capturing their rear guard. I think the most of them will be captured before they get to Charleston. Foster is after them and Sherman is not the man to lay still long. It must create quite an excitement north. Sherman can do the work. I dont see where the rebs will go to if Sherman makes one or two more such raids. We are in buildings now in large roomes. Our Co and Co G are in one roome on the second floor in Congress Street so if you come to see me you will know where to look for me. We got a mail last knight but nothing for me. I wrote the first of this weak. I hope you will get it to day. I havent time to write eney more this time. I cant write half I want to tell you. Write often. I will write again in a day or two. I hope you are all well and a Merry Chrismas.

Chas Engle

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