
Nov 8th /64

Dear Charlotte

I think this is the last letter I will ever write in Atlanta. The chaplain came around a fiew moments ago and notified us that we must have our letters in by seven oclock and it is now after six the last mail that goes out. I was disappointed to day. We got a mail but no letter for me. I would liked to got one more before we marched. I wont have a chance to send another letter in I think 60 days nor I dont expect eney frome you. We will have no communications untill we spring up I dont know exactly where but I think at Mobile or Savannah or some other southern citty. I certainly think Atlanta will be evacuated and blown up and the road abandoned from Atlanta to Chatanooga. Sherman is going to command the exubition. The 17th 15th and 20th corps are going. There is betweene sixty and seventy five thousend troops. I think if we are succesful you will hear some glories news in a fiew weaks but we will have a long hard march. I suppose four or five hundred miles through mud and rain but if we dont have to much fighting to do I think we will have a verry good time afterall. You will have more troubel again now and the worst is we cant receive eney letters from each other but you must not wurie about me. I think I can stand it if I ceep my health. I shall have to bring my letter to a close. It is most seven. I hope there has ben a great Union victory won north to day. It hasent seamed much like lection day to me. Kiss the children often for me. I want to see you so bad. My love to you dear Charlotte.

Charles Engle

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