
Bealeton Station
Sept the 27 /63

My Dear Wife

I once more take my pen in hand to inform you where I am and that I am well. We left Rackcoone Ford Thursday. We got here yesterday. We struck the railroad at Brandy Station. We croosed the river to Rappahannoc Station. You can see Bealeton Station on the map. There is where we got our supplies when we were at Kempers Ford. We are laying here waiting for cars to take us to parts unknown to me. The twelfth corps leaves the Army of the Potomac. We expect to go west. I think we will go to Tennessee. The first division has gone and the first brigade is at the depot now. Our brigade wont get started before tomorrow. The rebs have reenforced Bragg and I guess we are going to reenforce Roseencranse. It will be a long journey. It will take five days on the cars. I am sorry for your sake that we are going for you will wory more than ever but you must ceep up good spirits. Good courage is half the battle. I have the best of courage. I think we can put down this unjust war by force in spite of all the south and the northern traiters can do. I suppose the most of Lees force is down there and the most fighting hereafter will be in the south west. The weather is pleasant days but cold knights. It was a good deal colder last knight than it was a year ago last knight. I guess you remember where you was.
We havent had a mail in three days. I hope we will get one at Washington so I can get your letter. I know there is one there for me. We wont get our letters so regular now. I will be so far from home. I wish I could see you before we go but that cant be. You musent look for a letter every weak. I cant tell when I will have a chance to write again. Perhaps not in two weaks. I sent you my likeness last weak and two dollars in the same letter and one letter with three dollars and one with a check and six dollars in money. Let me know if you get them all as not. The fiftieth regt has gone up to day with their pontoones to lay a bridge acroosed the Rapidan River at or near Rackcoone Ford so I guess the Army of the Potomac will advance. The rebs cept up a bold front but I guess they haint got much of a force here. It was a verry hard place to do picket duty at Rackcoone Ford the worst place we ever was in. They would fire at us every chance they got. How I wish I was home to knight to see you and the children before we go so far from home. If I had known we was going I would had you went to Washington but it is to late now and it would be a hard job for you to went. We have got eight days rations to take care of. I have got a ring for Matie. I will put it in this letter. Tell her I sent it. It is most knight and I shal have to stop writing. Write as often as you can and I will do the same. My love to you all. So good buy.

Chas Engle to Charlotte E.

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