
Sunday Apr the 12 / 63

Dear Charlotte

I was some disappointed not getting a letter from you yesterday. I have written one letter to you since I got back. It is the most of my comford to write to you and get your letters. I am well and hope this will find you all well. We had a grand review last Friday. We had to go near Stafert Courthouse. It was about twenty miles there and back. We was some tired when we get back at knight. The whole corps was to geather. We was viewed by the President and Generl Hooker. We was all formed in masts and then the President and Hooker and the under generls rode by and then we was formed in plattunes two co in each and marched around. There was about twelve thousent soldiers togeather and a great meney spectaters. It was quite a site. I wish you could seene us. The Presidents wife was there. She was in a carage drawn by four splended horses. The President was on horseback. He had a strong guard with him. The artilry fired eleven rounds. Infantry cheering horses rearing and pitching. When he got to the dock every steeme boat whisel blown. His wife was dressed in black. They say for her brother that was killed in the rebel army. And yesterday was quite a sturing day with us. A bout nine in the morning there was a terable canonading and at ten there was an order came to be readey at eney moment. So we was got in line in a hurry and stacked our armes waiting for further orders but there was no orders came so we dident go. The fireing lasted two hours. We havent heard the particul. I guess it was a cavelry rade. I guess we will stay here this sumer. The weather is warme and the mud is mostly dry. James Webster came to the regt yesterday. He has ben to Elexzandra. I sit on my bunk writing just as you see me sit on the floor when I was home. I have lived on the top shelf this week. Tell mother I cant let that beef alone. I ceep tasteing and I have got it most whiteld away. I bought ten lbs of tobacco in Elmira. I made $5 on it. When pay day comes I will have some money to send you. I wish I could be at home to day. I want to see you worse that I did before I was home. I hope the war will soone end so I can come home and stay and not be obliged to leave. If I do I think I shal stay at home. Write often and ceep up good courage. Ciss little Matie often for me. Give my love to our folkes and reserve a good share for your self. No more this time. So good buy

Charles to Charlotte
Dear Charlotte my love to you

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