
Sisters Ferry GA
Jan 30 /65

Dear Charlotte

You will see by this that we are again on the move. We left Savannah the 27. We are now 40 miles up the river near Sisters Ferry where we will cross in to South Carolina. We expect to lay here to day and draw rations and load up the wagons. We wont have eney commmunications after we cross the river untill we get to Charleston or some other place. I cant tell where but I think it will make old rebelion tremble where ever we go and old South Carolina too. Where Sherman cant go there is no use of eney other general trying. There was a great time in Savannah the morning we left. The cidicens tried hard to have Geary stay. The streets were lined with people when we marched out. Some of the boys were deaply in love with some of the fare ones of Savannah. They stuck to them till the last moment. It reminded me of the day we left Binghamton. That dident troubel me eney but I hated to leave the citty for I was making money. I made in all 185 dollors and in less than two weaks. I expressed 100 to you. I wrote a letter stating about it but you may not get it so I will write it again. You will find it in Adams Express Office. I will send some more when I have a chance and think it will go safe. If we could have staied in Savannah untill May I would made 500 dollars but if you get what I have sent and what I have now it will help some these hard times. I would like to pay that two hundred next fall but you must use it if you nead it. Dont want for eneything as long as the money lasts. It has ben cold for three days and it is cold yet. It comes hard to be turned out dores when it is so cold. I hope it wont be a verry long campaign. Dear Charlotte I want to see you and the children so bad I can hardly stand it. You must ceep up good courage. That is all that ceeps me. I think of the futuer and hopes of some day to live happy with dear ones at home. The time is wearing away and I have ben through so meney hard battles and hardships and am safe and sound yet that I think I will go through into the end all right. I cant write eney more now. It is cold. You musent wory about me. I dont know when I can write again but I will write as soone as I can. Write often. No more this time. My love to you dear Charlotte. Good buy.

Charles Engle

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