
Near Kingston GA
May the 20 /64

Dear Wife

I will try again to write a fiew lines to you to let you know that I am well. I have started two letters and had to march before I could finish them so I will try it once more. We routed the enemy from near Resaca last Sunday. Our regt was verry luckey. Col Ireland and four men was wounded. The rebs had a good position but we flanked them and drove them. We are in clost persuit. Our advance ceep up a continuil skermising all the while. The next stand they can make will be to Atlanta. We have hard marching some of the time. In line of battle over fences and through the woods we drive them as we would sheep. It looks more encourageing now than ever before. I have received all your letters up to May the 8 which I got this morning. You say you want a breast pin. You can get one if you want one. I think Jacob has smelt powder by this time. I hope he will have good luck and come out all right. I have ben verry luckey so far. We was in a hot place Sunday and not a man in Co B hurt. I know you are most dead with trouble. I wish you had this letter. I am afraid I cant send it in some time. We get mail but none goes out. This is a verry fine country but a great deal of woods. The weather is warm. I am sorry your pa had such luck with his colt. I hope it will get along. You must ceep up good courage. I think the fighting will be all done this sumer. We are driveing them every where. Johnsons army wont fight verry hard. They are discouraged. They know there is no use of fighting. We will have to march in a little while so I will close. I will send this the first opportunity. Good buy.

Charles Engle

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