
Camp Aquia Creek, Va
Tuesday May the 12 / 63

My Dear Charlotte

I once more seit myself to write a fiew lines to you to let you know how I am getting along and where I am. My cold is better. I am hoarce yet but I dont cough a great deal. I got some medicene Sadurday and it helpt me. I never had a worse cold than I had this time. For over two weaks I couldent speak a loud word. My head acheked the most of the time and I had an awfull cough. They marched us so hard that I had to throw my coat and knights I would almost frieze. I received another letter Sadurday. The one you wrote in the bed. I was glad to hear that you was so smart. How I would like to come home and see you and the little boy. I dont hardly seam posable that it is a boy just as we wanted it. If I could onely be home to take care of you and the little ones. How much better it would be for us all. We had a hard march and a hard fight. The hospittles are full of wounded soldiers and the battle fields are covered with dead. Dear Charlotte how glad I am I come out alive. I am glad for your and the little ones sake. If it was onely the last battle but I expect there has got to be more fightting done and we know not who must fall. I never want to go in another such battle as that was. I havent heard the numbers lost. I suppose you will hear before I do. They wont let eney New York papers come to the soldiers yet. I guess the battle will be called the battle of Chancelerville. It is south of Frericksburg. It looks hard to see two such large armies march togeather and shoote each other. Some with their heads off and armes and legs off. O dear Charlotte what a site but I guess we will whip them before long. They are prety well scatterd. We surprised them this time. I guess Hooker will do something. It is verry warme here days and quite coole knights. I wrote a letter Friday. I wish you had it for I know you will feele anxous to hear from me to know how I come out of the battle. There is about 500 gone out of our brigade. The 149 regt lost over 200. The rebels fight verry desperately. They are all drunk on whisky and gunpowder and they dont fear eney thing but I guess they got all they wanted this time. I hope one of these days this war will stop and I come home and be free once more. How glad I will be to get home once more with my famely. How I would like to see our little boy but I shal have to make the best of it. If you can spare ten cents I wish you would send and get some candy for Matie and tell her I sent them. Ciss the little ones for me. No more this time so good buy dear Charlotte.


I send my love to you and give my love to Maria and the children. Tel me how Rast is and Billy to. Write often and let me know just how you are. Give my love to Rachel and to our folks.

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